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  • Writer's pictureFamily Counseling Service

The Most Meaningful Way to Preserve Community During CODIV-19

It’s only natural that when we face all the unanswered questions so many of us have swirling around right now that we tend to focus inward and be driven primarily by meeting our own needs and seeing that our loved ones are taken care of. However, we each have a critical role to play in maintaining a positive emotional state for ourselves and for those we come in contact with and that can all come down to a little encouragement.

Every human being has a deep seated need for affirmation. We need to feel that we belong, that we are valuable and that we contribute something meaningful to the lives of others. That is what makes encouragement such a powerful force in helping bond friendships, marriages, families, and even our relationships with co-workers, neighbors and others we encounter.

For encouragement to have its biggest impact, it needs to become a consistent part of how you engage other people. When you develop a consistent outlook on life that appreciates all the blessings that come by way of others, you are more generous, gracious and patient in the way you interact with others. All of your relationships will begin to prosper as a result.

Larry Deavers is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker and Executive Director of Family Counseling Service of West Alabama.

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